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With the weather improving, the Newport kids have been spending a lot of time outside, taking walks around the neighborhood, planting flowers for Earth Day, and having a blast at the local playground.

Earth Day

Saturday, April 22nd was Earth Day, so Newport hosted its own Earth Day celebration on Friday, April 21st. The children were given the opportunity to learn about nature, the Earth, and conservation, and even put some of what they learned into practice by planting flowers – both inside and outside the school.

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Our junior gardeners had a great time digging their fingers into the dirt and learning about how flowers grow, and they even had the opportunity to take a bloom home with them. Learning how to plant and take care of flowers may seem like a small thing, but we think it will benefit these kids in some very big ways.

The Great Outdoors

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Nothing stirs up more excitement at our school than a mere mention of the word “park,” and because of the great weather of recent weeks, we’ve been able to venture to the local park almost daily. The children have a blast climbing, running, jumping, swinging, and sliding, and during the walk to and from the playground, we look for flowers, sing songs, wave at passing dogs (and trains), and shout out the colors of parked cars – in English and in Spanish! We’re so excited for our Newport playground to be finished, but until it is, at least our kids have a wonderful alternative in the local park. And even when the weather keeps us inside, the kids still manage to have a great time:

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Inside or outside, we’re looking forward to many more fun and exciting days here at Newport!

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