How do preschoolers learn about community service? With cookies, of course! Newport hosted a fantastic food truck event Thursday, November 19th when the Cookies w/Flavor truck came to the school. Students, family members, teachers, and a few neighbors were served cookies, hot cocoa and apple cider. The school collected cash donations during the event to support a local food pantry.

Food trucks haven’t always been part of Newport’s community outreach. In the past Newport has hosted its annual ‘Lunches for the Hungry‘ event where preschoolers and their parents came together to help make sandwiches and prepare bagged lunches to be donated to a local food bank. 2020 is not a normal year. We had to look for safe alternatives that allowed for socially distanced philanthropy and community service. An outdoor food truck event definitely fit the bill and added some tasty excitement to the school week!

Visit them at www.commonpantry.org
In addition to raising funds for Common Pantry, Newport is also hosting a month-long food drive. Through the end of November families can donate food and personal care items to help families in need. This is a great opportunity to teach our smallest students about altruism and community service.