At Newport Children’s Academy, our location, programs, and curriculum are all designed to promote and ensure our children’s health, safety, and security. We hope the information listed below will answer any questions you might have about our guidelines and standards.
DCFS REGULATIONS: Click on the following link to review a summary of the licensing standards for daycare centers. It has been prepared so that you may monitor the care provided to your child.
Am I allowed to sit in on my child’s class?
+Newport Children’s Academy has an ‘open door’ policy for parents and guardians. Parents are always welcome to sit in and observe class time activities. Also, all of our classrooms are monitored throughout the day, and live feeds can be viewed in our waiting area. We have found that this is the best way for parents to observe their children, as it gives the children the space to interact with their teachers and peers freely.
If I need to withdraw my child from school before the end of the year, what’s the procedure?
+Our Withdrawal Policy asks for written notification in advance of your child being withdrawn from classes.
What if I can’t pick up my child? Can someone else do it?
+We provide an authorization form for parents to authorize who may or may not pick a child up. Under no circumstances can staff release children to anyone who is not authorized by the custodial parent. Everyone picking up a child will be asked for identification. If the custodial parent is unwilling to give blanket permission to the non-custodial parent, permission must be granted for each specific occasion. A custodial parent denying blanket release must provide legal documentation regarding custody.
What if I am late picking my child up?
+Children become upset if parents are not on time, so please call us if you know you will be late. There is a late fee that will be applied. Staff members are never allowed to transport children home.
Should I stay to get my child settled when dropping them off?
+Often, first time separation from parents can be difficult (for both of you!). If a child is inconsolable, we can contact you on your mobile phone and have you return to the school to calm your child, and try again.
What should I do if my child cries when I leave?
+It usually takes five minutes for a child to calm down and get settled in a new environment. Be patient and give the process some time – we are here to help with the transition. You are welcome to sit in the observation room and watch your child acclimate, or even provide us with your mobile number and have us call you once your child has settled in.
What will happen if my child misbehaves?
+It is very important that a child’s development is nurtured through caring, patience, and understanding. Firm, positive statements about behaviors or redirection of behaviors are the techniques we use with infants and toddlers. Age two or older, we redirect the child to another activity. If a child is out of control, we remove them from the group and allow them to go to a separate area to gain control. When children are placed in the thinking chair, they will sit there for one minute per year (i.e. a three year old child would be sitting in the thinking chair for three minutes.)
All discipline is to be positive. Cooperation from the parent is necessary to ensure optimal results. We will work together to reach a successful solution.
What should I do if my child is sick?
+Please do not send a sick child to school. If a child arrives with symptoms of illness, the child will not be permitted to stay in class. Sick children are not allowed to have contact with other children; they will be seated with staff elsewhere until a parent or guardian arrives. Please notify us if your child becomes ill and will not be attending that day. We also ask that parents notify us if their child contracts a communicable disease. The preschool will notify all other parents about any communicable disease outbreaks. (This does not name the child involved, just the classroom, to indicate exposure). A child will not be permitted to attend preschool if he or she has vomited or had diarrhea during the previous twenty-four hours.
What should I do if my child loses an item?
+Please label all belongings. Lost and Found items are kept in our offices and are donated seasonally if not claimed. Personal belongings should be stored in the children’s allocated cubbies.
What should my child wear?
+Children should be sent to school with clothing that is appropriate for the weather and the activities of the day. Always dress your child for outdoor play. Clothing may be removed if the weather becomes warm, but if the weather cools, there is no additional outdoor apparel available.
Children should wear clothing that does not hinder the learning process or activities of the day. Belts and suspenders are not allowed. We furnish each child with Newport Children’s Academy T-shirts that the children can enjoy wearing every day, making it easy for parents to dress their children for activities.
Can my child bring a snack from home?
+No, unless medically necessary.
Can I bring in a treat for my child's birthday or special holidays?
+Yes, but it must be store-bought and in its original packaging, with a list of ingredients clearly marked..
What is the sign-in policy?
+A Parent, Guardian, or authorized person must sign the child in and out each day. Any person picking up a child from this program must be named on the pickup authorization form and provide identification. Children will only be released to those listed on the pickup authorization form. The authorized parent or guardian may update the form at any time by contacting the staff in person or in writing. If necessary, changes may be made by filling out a new form. Children twelve and under must be signed out by an authorized individual eighteen years of age or older. Custody issues require special attention and may require authorization by both parents.
How do I know if the school will open if it snows?
+If staff can travel safely, our school will open. If there are closures, we will notify parents and guardians via email.
How can I keep up with what’s going on with my child in class?
+Daily progress reports will be sent home with children for parents to review.