Food & NutritionAll meals are kid tested!
Our organic meals and snacks are delivered daily by Gourmet Gorilla™, a healthy, local, and sustainable catering company for kids. They provide foods that are familiar to children, while occasionally pushing the envelope of taste and food experience. Menus are as much a learning and educational experience as they are a healthy eating option. Gourmet Gorilla™ recipes are designed to meet and exceed the USDA Final Rules of the Healthy & Hunger-Free Kids Act, as well as the Illinois Board of Education and City of Chicago Board of Education meal requirements. All meals are kid tested!
Gourmet Gorilla’s™ mission is to strive for a sustainable future for our children by providing local and sustainable school lunches and healthier eating options. They are committed to working with community partners to provide solid nutrition for all children in order to help them learn and grow. Collaborating within regional food systems around the Chicago foodshed, Gourmet Gorilla™ works with food hubs, rural farmers, urban agriculturalists, dietitians, nutritionists, talented chefs, and organic food manufacturers. They provide quality ingredients as well as connections and partnerships to educational resources on healthy food curriculum, the value of fresh healthy and sustainable food, garden projects, and ecological awareness.
All meals are seasonal, and menus will be posted and sent out to parents in a monthly update. See folders below for sample menus.
Please note: The health department dissuades us from allowing food to be brought by children from home unless there is a medical reason. Please furnish us with a doctor’s note if there are any allergies we should be aware of, or if a doctor has recommended your child bring his/her own meal or snacks to school.